Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


Government and Politics Resources


This page contains resources that relate to Government and Politics A Level curricula in the UK. These can be employed in the classroom, or at home to aid revision. They provide various case studies to help explore areas of US politics (usually at A2 level) covered on the AQA, Edexcel, and WJEC curricula.

The Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court is made up of nine justices, appointed by the president for life. In addition to being the highest court of appeal in the US, the Court also ensures all laws and executive actions are constitutional. Recently, the ideological make up of the Court has shifted to the right, with President Trump having three opportunities to appoint justices. This has led to accusations of an increasingly politicised Court, and notably, the overturning of constitutional protection of abortion access in 2022.

Identity and US Politics

Examining how identity intersects with political participation and the founding values of an ‘egalitarian’ society in the United States is integral to understanding the continuing fight for equality and racial justice in the US. The US was established as a patriarchal nation, and this legacy has helped to embed gendered narratives into political campaigns and broader political culture ever since.

These resources were created as part of the Bridging the Resource Gap project, which was funded by the British Association of American Studies and the US Embassy.