Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


News & Events


The British Association for American Studies is pleased to maintain a list of news and events from across the American Studies community.

The items below include news from BAAS itself and submissions from other institutions and organisations. You will find posts organised by category below. Each week, the news and events submitted to BAAS, are included on the Weekly Digest mailing. You can sign up to receive the weekly mailing by completing this form.

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Latest News and Events

    Black Panther Woman: The Political and Spiritual Life of Ericka Huggins by Mary Frances Phillips

    'A remarkable story of awakening, commitment, grit, and fearlessness in the wake of personal pain, grassroots struggle, and state violence. This first-ever historical biography of Ericka Huggins is itself a meditation on the pertinence and power of spiritual wellness and encourages us to consider what a radically holistic movement for liberation might need. Wholly original and illuminating!' ~Rhonda Y. Williams, author of Concrete Demands: The Search for Black Power in the 20th Century

    51st Annual Conference, American Politics Group of the UK Political Studies Association: 3rd – 5th January 2025, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK

    The American Politics Group's 2025 Annual Conference welcomes anyone with an interest in American domestic and international politics, political history, government and society. We invite proposals for conference papers on any aspect of US politics: the November elections and their consequences are likely to prove a central topic of discussion, but papers examining contemporary US political institutions or processes, US foreign policy, or US political history will all be very welcome. We particularly encourage proposals from postgraduate students and early career researchers.

    CFP: Disabilities and American Art Histories

    Call for Papers: Disabilities and American Art Histories SAAM American Art Journal Deadline: April 1, 2025

    CFP: Thinking Art History and Black Studies Together

    Call for Papers: Thinking Art History and Black Studies Together SAAM American Art Journal Deadline: March 1, 2025

    Timing the Future Metropolis: Foresight, Knowledge, and Doubt in America’s Postwar Urbanism by Peter Ekman

    Timing the Future Metropolis—an intellectual history of planning, urbanism, design, and social science—explores the network of postwar institutions, formed amid specters of urban "crisis" and "renewal," that set out to envision the future of the American city.

    Developing Healthy Engagement -Job Opportunity

    Developing Healthy Research is a research project exploring the changes needed to support healthy creative engaged research. We are looking for a Project Assistant with an interest in archives and/or the creative sector to support the delivery of this project. Funded by the Research England Enhancing Research Culture Fund at the University of Leeds, this is an exciting opportunity to be part of a project responding to calls from both the archival sector and the creative industries to develop trauma-informed approaches and embed therapeutic support in engaged research practices.

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