Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


News & Events


The British Association for American Studies is pleased to maintain a list of news and events from across the American Studies community.

The items below include news from BAAS itself and submissions from other institutions and organisations. You will find posts organised by category below. Each week, the news and events submitted to BAAS, are included on the Weekly Digest mailing. You can sign up to receive the weekly mailing by completing this form.

To submit content to appear on this page and to be included in our Weekly Digest mailing, please submit your content to us by completing the submission form.

Latest News and Events

    2025 HOTCUS Annual Conference, University of Lancaster, 18-20 June 2025 CFP

    The 2025 HOTCUS annual conference will be held at the University of Lancaster, 18-20 June 2025. We are delighted to announce that Professor Andrew Preston (University of Cambridge) will be our keynote speaker. We are now accepting panel and paper proposals, as well as submissions for our PG and ECR Workshop. Proposals for all categories are due March 2, 2025.

    CfP Critical Health: Feminist Perspectives on Health and Well-Being in the Nineteenth-Century United States

    We are delighted to share with you the call for papers for our conference on “Critical Health: Feminist Perspectives on Health and Well-Being in the Nineteenth-Century United States” (Sorbonne Université / Universität zu Köln), which will be held at Sorbonne Université on 17-18 October 2025. Please send paper proposals (350 words) and panel proposals (350 words per paper plus a short framing statement) as well as a short bio to Johanna Pitetti-Heil and Alice de Galzain at criticalhealthconference@gmail.comby 10 February 2025.

    MLA 2026 Toronto Call for Papers: Thoreau’s Revolutions

    The Thoreau Society at the 2026 Modern Language Association Meeting in Toronto, Call for Papers: Thoreau's Revolutions

    Transatlantic Studies Association 2025 Conference

    The Transatlantic Studies Association (TSA) is now welcoming paper and panel proposals for its 2025 conference, which meets over 14-16 July in Lisbon, Portugal. Full details (including a copy of the cfp), can be found on the TSA website: The deadline for proposals is 15 April. Keynote speakers include Professor Niall Barr (King’s College London), Professor Maria Inácia Rezola (ESCS-IPL), and Professor Mario Del Pero (Sciences-Po Paris).

    New book announcement – College Sports: A History

    A bold and foundational history of the inception and evolution of intercollegiate athletics in the United States.

    USSO is looking for new content!

    Calling all PGRs and ECAs! Do you have an idea for an article or a book review? The USSO editors are looking for fresh content for our website and would love to hear from you. Get in touch at!

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