Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


BAAS Development Fund - Call for Applications - British Association for American Studies


BAAS Development Fund - Call for Applications


BAAS invites scholars in any field of American Studies to apply for grants of up to two years in duration. Grants may be requested for up to a maximum of £2000 for a range of American Studies academic activities, including (but not limited to):

  • The organisation of conferences, meetings and events, including honoraria for speakers
  • The establishment of new networks or other organisations
  • Workshops, writing retreats, and reading groups
  • Schools outreach and activities
  • Diversity and inclusion initiatives of established networks or other organisations
  • Sustainability initiatives of established networks or other organisations

Applications for activities that reach scholars currently under-represented in American Studies in the UK, seek to support postgraduates or early career academics, and/or enhance diversity and inclusion or sustainability are particularly welcome.

The Development Fund is not intended to cover the costs of individuals’ attendance at events or individual research.