Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


BAAS Development Fund


The BAAS Development Fund supports activities relating to American Studies research, pedagogy, or career development; and the development of networks or other organisations that support American Studies scholars in the UK. BAAS has access to these funds through membership subscriptions, publication income, and particular grants-in-aid from other sources.

The 2017 BAAS Membership Survey highlighted a desire amongst BAAS members for a wider range of activities beyond traditional conferences to support career development, to discuss pedagogy, to workshop grant applications, provide writing support, develop networking, hold localised meetings, and so on, as well as traditional conferences.

BAAS invites scholars in any field of American Studies to apply for grants of up to two years in duration. Grants may be requested for up to a maximum of £2000 for a range of American Studies academic activities, including (but not limited to):

  • The organisation of conferences, meetings and events, including honoraria for speakers
  • The establishment of new networks or other organisations
  • Workshops, writing retreats, and reading groups
  • Schools outreach and activities
  • Diversity and inclusion initiatives of established networks or other organisations
  • Sustainability initiatives of established networks or other organisations

Applications for activities that reach scholars currently under-represented in American Studies in the UK, seek to support postgraduates or early career academics, and/or enhance diversity and inclusion or sustainability are particularly welcome.

The Development Fund is not intended to cover the costs of individuals’ attendance at events or individual research. Please see our Awards for support for individual research activities.

Applications are welcome from both BAAS members and non-members, though applications from members may be prioritised. Non-members are expected to join BAAS if they receive a grant from the Development Fund.

Applicants are encouraged to apply to the BAAS-US Embassy Small Grants Programme instead of the Development Fund if the proposed activities meet the criteria for that programme. Applicants that have also sought funding from the BAAS-US Embassy Small Grants Programme should mark this clearly on their applications, and in the instance that they receive funding for the same activity from both programmes, will be encouraged to take up the US-Embassy Funding in the first instance.

Applicants are expected to review the BAAS Funding Guide when developing their budgets.

BAAS is committed to promoting best practice in matters of diversity and inclusion and applicants are expected to demonstrate similar consideration when submitting applications to this Fund.

BAAS have developed guidance on running an inclusive conference. This guide
contains detailed guidance for Chairs, Speakers, and Audiences at such events.
It can be accessed by clicking the following links:

Applications will be assessed on their individual merits by a panel made up of members of the BAAS Executive Committee. Applications for grants lower than the maximum of £2000 allowed are welcome.

Successful applicants will be required to report regularly on the progress of their activities and to submit a final report at the completion of their grant. The final report will be summarised on the BAAS website here. Applicants are encouraged to further disseminate the results of their activities in BAAS outlets such as The Journal of American Studies, U.S. Studies Online, or at the annual BAAS conference. BAAS must be acknowledged in all publicity relating to the grant and in any future publications arising from it.

Closing Deadlines: 1 April and 1 November each year.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications within six weeks of the closing date.

Applications will be competitive. Applications and enquiries should be sent to

The application form can be downloaded from this link.