Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


News & Events


The British Association for American Studies is pleased to maintain a list of news and events from across the American Studies community.

The items below include news from BAAS itself and submissions from other institutions and organisations. You will find posts organised by category below. Each week, the news and events submitted to BAAS, are included on the Weekly Digest mailing. You can sign up to receive the weekly mailing by completing this form.

To submit content to appear on this page and to be included in our Weekly Digest mailing, please submit your content to us by completing the submission form.

Latest News and Events

    BAAS Climate Action Plan

    The GREEN BAAS steering committee recently released BAAS' first ever Climate Action Plan. This document, which is meant to be updated every year, reflects our ongoing commitments to global climate action. Please have a read and send your comments, encouragements and suggestions to the GREEN BAAS co-leads, Rebecca Tillett and Elsa Devienne.

    Aspirations: 28th Biennial Conference of the Nordic Association for American Studies – deadline August 16 2024

    We welcome proposals that think through, reflect upon, and reconsider the significance of Aspirations in the pasts, presents, and futures of the United States. Aspirational ideals and beliefs have always been at the crux of the United States’ national ethos, but they have also evolved during the course of history. Abstract Submission: Abstracts for individual papers are max. 250 words and for panel/workshop/ alternative sessions max. 500 words. Extended deadline: August 16, 2024. Inquiries: Twitter: @naas2025 #NAASpirations2025

    Reframing Hollywood Series at Mississippi University Press

    Reframing Hollywood series at Mississippi University Press The Reframing Hollywood series features dynamic and original short monographs and edited collections, each of which explore a single film of significant cultural impact which has emerged from the American film industry since the turn of the new millennium. These vibrant critical explorations of contemporary American film will offer a stimulating, academic, yet accessible interrogation of a single work from a variety of critical perspectives.

    CfP: Special Issue on American Vulnerability

    We invite submissions for a special issue of Comparative American Studies on American Vulnerability: Narratives of Risk, Refusal, and Resistance.

    Deadline extended | Neo/noir and Thriller Imaginaries in US American Culture (virtual conference)

    Extended deadline for our virtual conference Neo/noir and Thriller Imaginaries in US American Culture, which will be held as usual on Zoom on the days September 6–7, 2024. The call spans from the origins of noir to true crime, including tech-noir and cyberpunk iterations across media.

    Deadline extended | The Boundaries of US Identity (in person conference)

    The conference invites reflections on the representations of US identity, focusing on the diversity of identities, liminality, and disenfranchised experiences of US Americanness, as well as the construction of boundaries—both material and metaphorical—as means to define the US national imaginary.

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