Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


News & Events


The British Association for American Studies is pleased to maintain a list of news and events from across the American Studies community.

The items below include news from BAAS itself and submissions from other institutions and organisations. You will find posts organised by category below. Each week, the news and events submitted to BAAS, are included on the Weekly Digest mailing. You can sign up to receive the weekly mailing by completing this form.

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Latest News and Events

    BAAS/US Embassy Small Grants Programme

    BAAS are delighted to relaunch our small grants programme in conjunction with the US Embassy London. We are offering small grants of up to £10,000 for cultural, educational and outreach activities that will foster American Studies and lead to a more accurate and constructive understanding of the United States in the United Kingdom. Applications are open now, with a deadline of 11 November 2024 for projects starting from 1 January 2025.

    Brooklynites: The Remarkable Story of the Free Black Communities that Shaped a Borough by Prithi Kanakamedala

    "Through deep research and fantastic images, Brooklynites presents a powerful portrayal of racism and Black struggles for freedom, written by a leading public historian and scholar of nineteenth century America. Read this book and you will never again think the same way about Brooklyn, and America's complicated, contradictory, hard-edged, and hopeful history." ~Brian Purnell, author of Fighting Jim Crow in the County of Kings: The Congress of Racial Equality in Brooklyn

    The Best Land: Four Hundred Years of Love and Betrayal on Oneida Territory by Susan A. Brewer

    In Susan A. Brewer's fascinating The Best Land, she recounts the story of the parcel of central New York land on which she grew up.

    Listening to Workers: Oral Histories of Metro Detroit Autoworkers in the 1950s by Daniel J. Clark

    “This is a richly textured, collective portrait of people coming of age in the Great Depression and World War II, who worked in one the largest and most important industries in the US and belonged to a union that led the labor movement and set the standard for wages and benefits in many industries.”--Lou Martin, author of Smokestacks in the Hills

    Taking the Land to Make the City: A Bicoastal History of North America by Samuel J. Redman

    Ryan generously shares her deep knowledge of the emergence of Baltimore and San Francisco, two storied cities she has studied long and well...[Taking the Land to Make the City] is deeply informed, clearly written, and engagingly told. ~American Historical Review

    Far-Right Vanguard: The Radical Roots of Modern Conservatism by John S. Huntington

    "[T]houghtful and engaging… Huntington offers valuable background and context for the ultraconservatism of today. Among other things, his account helps make sense of the latest surge in right-wing hate groups, the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and the continued popularity of Trump among Republicans." ~The Washington Post

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