Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


News & Events


The British Association for American Studies is pleased to maintain a list of news and events from across the American Studies community.

The items below include news from BAAS itself and submissions from other institutions and organisations. You will find posts organised by category below. Each week, the news and events submitted to BAAS, are included on the Weekly Digest mailing. You can sign up to receive the weekly mailing by completing this form.

To submit content to appear on this page and to be included in our Weekly Digest mailing, please submit your content to us by completing the submission form.

Latest News and Events

    Session 2 of the GREEN BAAS ROUNDTABLE SERIES: New Research in American Environmental Studies

    Join us for a celebration of new research in American Environmental Studies! We are especially encouraging PGRs and ECRs working on environmental topics to join as we hope this event can be an opportunity to network and socialise.

    The US Election: What Just Happened, 7 November

    Join the Rothermere American Institute (RAI) in-person or online at 5pm UK time for expert discussion of what happened in the 2024 US elections. Panellists include: Adam Smith (chair), RAI Director and Professor of US Politics and Political History. Jason Casellas, ABC News election decision desk. Kimberley Johnson, Visiting Professor of American Government. Clare Malone, New Yorker staff writer. Mike Murphy, Republican political strategist and media consultant.

    Announcing the BAAS How To Video Series

    The first episode of the new BAAS How To series has been released on YouTube. This episode features Dr Michael J. Collins speaking about how to write a cover letter for academic jobs. The monthly series, hosted by BAAS Early Career Representative Dr Siân Round, will cover a range of topics aimed at helping postgraduates and early career researchers develop a range of academic skills. Upcoming videos include how to turn your thesis into a book, how to prepare for an academic job interview, and how to engage the public with your research.

    Call for Papers for the edited collection Neoliberalism and Affect in Twenty-First Century Culture

    This interdisciplinary collection seeks to draw connections across contemporary culture, neoliberalism and affect. Specifically, it will address representations of the self-management of emotions in the workplace, in the personal sphere, and in relation to aesthetic experiences such as sports and the arts. We are keen to encourage chapters from a broad range of fields including digital humanities, social sciences, politics, visual arts, performance arts, popular culture, psychology, philosophy, and economics.

    The U.S. Presidential Election: Cross-Disciplinary Responses

    "The U.S. Presidential Election: Cross-Disciplinary Responses" - being held on Wednesday 13 November at 2.30 p.m. (UK time), co-organised and co-hosted by the Andrew Hook Centre for American Studies at the University of Glasgow and the David Bruce Centre for the Study of the Americas at Keele University.

    All of Us or None: Migrant Organizing in an Era of Deportation and Dispossession by Monisha Das Gupta

    “All of Us or None brilliantly moves us through several impasses that have long prevented useful dialogue between migration and Indigenous studies and activisms. Offering an important record of activist labor and thought that is too often marginalized, this truly outstanding book provides a very timely and urgently needed intervention that will advance scholarship across several key fields.” ~Eithne Luibhéid, author of Pregnant on Arrival: Making the Illegal Immigrant

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