Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


CALL FOR MANUSCRIPTS BIBLIOTECA BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 2024-2025 - British Association for American Studies





  1. Nature

The Instituto Franklin-UAH awards two grants, valued at €3,500, for the publication of works in the Colección Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin, published by the Editorial Universidad de Alcalá. With these grants, expenses of design, edition, layout, coordination, revision and printing of the publication are covered on the condition that the manuscript obtains two positive anonymous reviews.

The studies promoted and carried out by the Institute deal with aspects related to North America, in areas such as history, thought, politics, economics, sociology, the arts, literature, linguistics, science and technology. The Institute is interested in knowing, analyzing and interpreting the North American reality in all its dimensions, as well as comparing it with other realities, paying special attention to questions of identity and transatlantic relations, especially with Spain. These studies fall into three categories:

  • North American Studies. Studies on North American society.
  • Transatlantic Relations. Studies of international relations and, in particular, Spain-United States relations or Spain-Canada relations.
  • Comparative/Interdisciplinary Studies

The books in the collection are classified according to their area of study in the following categories: history, literature, economics, ecology, politics and sociology.


  1. Requirements
  • The manuscripts can be written in English or Spanish.
  • Submitted manuscripts should always be original studies, monographic studies about several author editions will take precedent.
  • Translations of works or edition of books already published, will not be divulgated. The maximum length of the manuscript should not exceed 300 pages.
  • Grant recipients undertake to provide a list of publications of interest and contacts to review the publication and thus promote its dissemination.
  1. Deadline and presentation of applications

Deadline for presentation of applications will be opened until January 8th, 2025.

Applications must be submitted electronically. Candidates must submit the documentation through the online form available on the website of the Instituto Franklin-UAH


The complete manuscript must be sent by e-mail within 15 days after completing the online form to Ángela Suárez, at the following address:


  1. 4. Selection Committee and selection procedure
  • The Selection Committee will be formed by the persons designated by the Director of the Instituto Franklin-UAH and by the persons designated by the Editorial Universidad de Alcalá.
  • The Selection Committee will be responsible for accepting or rejecting the proposal submitted, in accordance with the editorial guidelines and other considerations it deems appropriate
  • The Selection Committee reserves the right to present or not a report detailing the decision taken. In the event that a report is presented to reinforce the decision, it will be confidential and will be delivered to the authors of the proposals at the end of the deadline. This period will be 90 days. Likewise, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to declare the grants announced with no awards.


In the event that the proposal is rejected, the decision will be communicated to the interested parties by e-mail.

In the event that the proposal is accepted, the editor will contact the author to begin the manuscript evaluation process.

The evaluation system used is double-blind peer review. If the manuscript obtains two positive reviews, the following steps will be taken for the publication of the book (publishing conditions, signing of the publishing contract with its corresponding clauses, dates foreseen for each phase of production, etc.). In addition, the author agrees to adapt the manuscript to Colección Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin’s publication standards.


  1. Publication

The publication date will depend on the schedule and coordinated work of the Editorial Universidad de Alcalá.