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British Association for American Studies


"Bibliomanie" Call for Papers - British Association for American Studies


"Bibliomanie" Call for Papers



Reflecting its interdisciplinary scientific approach, for its 58th edition (December 2024) Bibliomanie invites proposals in the fields of literature, history and semiotics addressing aspects of the following theme:


The history of beacons and lighthouses, developing in parallel with the history of navigation and losing itself in the darkness of time, is a fascinating one.

In ancient times, humans very quickly discovered that they could move without difficulty through the liquid element, conceivably passing from lakes to rivers and then to the sea. Initially frightened by such vastness and so limiting themselves to daytime coastal navigation, perhaps using fragile boats, they rapidly learned that they could move easily to reach other coastlines, transporting goods and people, but at first they had no coordinates for sailing in the dark and the only solution was to seek refuge in a safe bay.

In all forms of art, lighthouses have always exerted highly evocative and inspirational power. There is an incredibly abundant literature which is revelatory in its representations of lighthouses, ancient maps, nautical documents, and other aspects which help to acquaint us with lighthouses – and allow us to be enchanted by them. In poetry, literature, music and cinema, lighthouses have been of inspiration innumerable times: the lighthouse as a metaphor, whose symbolic importance is such that it has kept one of the most structured metaphoric configurations alive.

Today, the light from a mobile phone can (but not always) raise the hope of a landing, becoming a beacon in the history of navigation and emigration.

How many beacons and lighthouses are there in the world?  A multitude – and rediscovering, redefining, relaunching and valuing state heritage, of which beacons and lighthouses are a part, enhances its cultural, environmental, socio-anthropological and tourist potential.

Listed below are some areas of research

The history of beacons and lighthouses

Beacons and lighthouses in the history of navigation, the history of the exchange of goods and cultures, and the history of construction technologies

Myths and legends about beacons and lighthouses

Beacons and lighthouses in literature, poetry, music and cinema

Beacons and lighthouses in the contemporary Mediterranean: histories of migrants and histories of migrations

Beacons and lighthouses in Italy and the world

The recovery of beacons and lighthouses


Proposals (for the “Articles” section only) must not exceed 8,000 characters and must be submitted by 30 June 2024, accompanied by a separate list of sources and a bibliography. The editorial board will only respond to those authors who have been selected, by 15 July 2024The anticipated deadline for submission of the articles (maximum 50,000 characters) is 30 September 2024. The journal welcomes submissions in Italian, English, French and Spanish.

Proposals should be sent to

Subsequently, each contribution will undergo double blind peer review. Authors will receive the referees’ assessments of their article.

Please note that Bibliomanie will also accept proposals for contributions to other sections of the journal: “Notes and Reflections”, “Book Reviews”, “Translated, Unpublished and Rare Works”, and “Teaching”. Anyone interested should contact the editorial board:



