Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


BAAS Teaching Prize - British Association for American Studies


BAAS Teaching Prize


The BAAS Teaching Prize (£500) recognises excellence and innovation in American Studies teaching at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels

Anyone from postgraduate researchers to senior staff involved in teaching American Studies in Higher Education at any level (e.g. undergrad, postgrad, research supervision) including lectures, seminars, research supervision, tutorials, etc. is encouraged to apply.

Deadline: 1 May 2024

Full details below or see the Awards page on the BAAS website for more information about these awards or email with any questions.

The BAAS Teaching Prize recognises excellence and innovation in teaching American Studies at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. Anyone who has had success in implementing innovative and inclusive teaching practices is encouraged to apply.  

To be eligible, the nominated practice/innovation must have been taught in the past two years. Additionally, the applicant must be able to both demonstrate that the intervention was successful and to articulate how the practice promotes inclusivity in American Studies education. 

The £500 prize will be awarded at the BAAS awards ceremony and the recipient will be expected to share their practice/innovation with the larger BAAS community by either uploading resources or a toolkit on the BAAS website or writing a blogpost for USSO (or similar).  

Who can apply? 

Applications are invited from persons normally resident in the UK, and from academics currently working or studying at UK universities and institutions of higher education.  

Membership of BAAS is mandatory in order to be eligible to receive one of these awards. 

Anyone from postgraduate researchers to senior staff involved in teaching American Studies in UK Higher Education at any level (e.g. undergrad, postgrad, research supervision) including lectures, seminars, research supervision, tutorials, etc. is encouraged to apply.  

Required documents: 

  • 750-word description of the practice/intervention including:  
  • the specific teaching context (e.g. undergrad or postgrad? lecture, seminar, tutorial, etc.? are you the convenor or is this someone else’s course?) 
  • detailed description of the innovation 
  • explicit discussion of the ways in which this practice/intervention promotes inclusion  
  • evidence of its success (e.g. notes from teaching observations, peer dialogues, feedback from students, etc.) 
  • One letter of reference substantiating the teaching practice 


Additional information: 

BAAS is committed to promoting best practice in matters of equality and diversity, and thus encourages scholars who have historically been underrepresented in academia (scholars of color, women and non-binary scholars, LGBTQIA+ scholars and disabled scholars in particular) to apply.  

Award winners are invited to attend a virtual awards ceremony in June, and are encouraged to invite friends and family along to help celebrate. They are also required to provide a brief report of their research trip or of the research material acquired thanks to the award. These reports can be published as a brief post on USSO (US Studies online) or form the basis of an interview on the USSO podcast. Successful candidates are also requested to acknowledge the assistance of BAAS in any other publication that results from research carried out during the tenure of the award.  

For enquiries about the awards, contact 

The programme depends for its funds entirely on public contributions, and can only have a long term impact if BAAS members and other interested persons continue to be generous with donations. The Treasurer of BAAS welcomes contributions small and large, and invites anyone wishing to support BAAS in maintaining its work in this area to make contact using this form. 

BAAS is a registered charity (No. 1002816) 


11.59pm, 1 May 2024