Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


BAAS 2024 Call for Papers: Black Feminism(s) and Transnational Solidarit - British Association for American Studies


BAAS 2024 Call for Papers: Black Feminism(s) and Transnational Solidarit


The convenors of 2023’s BAAS Panel Black Feminism(s): Past, Present, and Future’ seek submissions from PhD students and ECRs for the 2024 continuation Panel, ‘Black Feminism(s) and Transnational Solidarity’.

Our 2023 panel raised as a key theme the enduring importance of transnational community building in Black feminism(s)’s pasts and futures. In the current geopolitical climate, transnational solidarity is more relevant – and urgent – than ever. For this year’s BAAS Targeted Research Panel, we invite papers addressing the varied approaches, individuals, collectives and aspects of Black feminist transnational solidarity. In line with the BAAS conference, we seek submissions that tackle legacies and/or contemporary formulations related to America’s role on the world stage as a political organising facilitator (or inhibitor?) Our interest and understanding of Black feminist movements far exceeds the US, so we are keen to receive submissions with examples of such work from the so-called ‘Global South’.

While we welcome submissions from all PhD students and ECRs —aligned with the panel rationale of centring Black women and femmes in American Studies— we will prioritise submissions from scholars, activists, and independent researchers who identify as part of this group.

Panel details

We invite abstract submissions for paper presentations of 10-12 minutes. The session will be chaired by a representative of last year’s ‘Black Feminism(s)’ panel: Alanah Mortlock (LSE), temi lasade-anderson (KCL), and Tionne Alliyah Parris (University of Hertfordshire).

Please send your abstracts in via this Google form:

Closing date: 15th March

We aim to contact successful applicants within one week after the closing date.

Conference Logistics:

BAAS 2024 will be held online from the 10th-12th of April 2024. Therefore, no travel costs will be incurred for this year. However, the convenors will cover the costs of online registration. Participants will also receive a small honorarium as a recognition of their preparation and contribution to the session.