Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


*CFP DEADLINE EXTENDED* - Digital BAAS 2024 - Call for Papers - British Association for American Studies


*CFP DEADLINE EXTENDED* - Digital BAAS 2024 - Call for Papers


**UPDATE: 26/11/23**

After an influx of fascinating proposals, we have decided to extend the call for papers for Digital BAAS until Friday 8th December.

In addition to paper and panel proposals, we invite proposals to chair a panel. We welcome proposals from scholars at any career stage, but especially from postgraduates and junior academics who would like to gain some chairing experience. If you are interested, please send a bio of no more than 150-words to and we will match you with the appropriate panel based on your research interests.

We are excited to announce details of the British Association for American Studies’ 69th Annual Conference, our second to be hosted entirely remotely. BAAS, in conjunction with the Green BAAS Network, are committed to reflecting upon the environmental impact of our activities, and to making positive changes to combat climate catastrophe. The decision to host a virtual conference once every three years presents the opportunity not only to minimise international travel and BAAS’s carbon footprint, but also to demonstrate leadership in the sector in relation to sustainability, inclusivity and accessibility. The conference will take place online, 10-12 April 2024.

Proposals are welcomed on any subject in American Studies, broadly conceived; that is, we hope to attract a range of papers across eras, geographies, and disciplines. Beyond research, we are interested in receiving session proposals that address American Studies pedagogy, “impact” and “knowledge exchange,” and the shape and future of the discipline. Along these lines, we welcome panels that include activists, teachers, artists, and other community practitioners alongside, and in dialogue with, academic colleagues. We particularly encourage proposals for innovative session formats.

Deadline for Proposals: 20 November 2023.

For further details of the conference and how to submit a proposal, please see our Call for Papers.