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British Association for American Studies


Changing the Script: Women as History Makers - British Association for American Studies


Changing the Script: Women as History Makers


This talk considers the history of women who built archives and forged creative new ways to become history makers. Reflecting on the history of the institutions that shaped my own learning experiences as a young white woman researching Black women’s history in predominantly male, white History departments in the early 2000s and, in conversation with some of the brilliant women I’ve worked with, we’ll explore how, together, we can change the script which positions those marginalized by gender, sexuality, race and class on the sidelines of history.

This event will be introduced by Professor Andrea Major, and in conversation with Nicole Butler, Dr Laura KingDr Claire Martin and Dr Olivia Wright.

Event information:

Date: Wednesday 23 October
Time: 5:30pm – 6:30pm, followed by a buffet dinner reception and drinks. Doors open at 5pm.
Location: Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall, School of Music
Registration: Please sign up here to register for in person attendance or to receive the streaming link.