Promoting, supporting and encouraging the study of the United States since 1955

British Association for American Studies


Membership of the British Association for American Studies


BAAS membership is for a calendar year. ALL rates include a levy from the European Association for American Studies.

BAAS offer a free membership to schools wishing to join as part of the organisation. In order to request a schools membership for your school, please please contact our Membership Secretary with details of your organisation and we would be happy to register a schools membership for you.

The privileges of the Schools membership extend to receipt of the Newsletter, and such teaching aids as are offered to the general membership, and the opportunity to send one member of staff to the annual conference.

If you have any problems, please get in touch with us by emailing our membership team.

Join the British Association for American Studies

To join the British Association for American Studies as a member, please complete the form below and select the appropriate type of membership. You will be asked for your contact name, postal address, email address, and any institutional affiliation.

BAAS membership is for a calendar year. ALL rates include a levy from the European Association for American Studies.

Total Amount
Name and Address